Name of Applicant

  Boston Medical Center Corporation

Legal/Tax StatusNonprofit, tax-exempt with 501(c)(3) IRS status (other than Institution of Higher Education)
Legal and Physical AddressOne Boston Medical Center Place
Boston, MA  02118-2908
Applicant Information for Grant/Proposal Submissions

Sponsored Programs Administration
Research Operations
One Boston Medical Center Place, Boston, MA 02118-2908

Tel: 617-414-2852
Fax1: 617-414-2834  Fax2: 617-414-2869

Authorized Organization RepresentativeJennifer Kennedy, Sponsored Programs Administration
Research Operations
960 Massachusetts Avenue, 2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02118-2908
Administrative Contact and Signing OfficialChristopher Garcia, Associate Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
Research Operations
960 Massachusetts Avenue, 2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02118-2908
Congressional DistrictMA-007

Identifier Type

Identification Number

Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)00-549-2160
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)J​Z​8​R​Q​C​4​E​M​D​Z​5
Employer Identification Number (EIN or TIN)04-3314093
Institutional Profile File (NIH/IPF)3617301
NIH Federal Wide Assurance for human subjects researchFWA 00023612 (expires 6/4/2025)
NIH OLAW AssuranceD16-00204 (A3316-01) (effective 12/1/2017)
AAALAC accreditationJune 30, 2017, Unit # 000197
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC code)8062
Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE)09PZ2
North America Industry Classification System (NAICS number)622110
System for Award Management (SAM) registration

Active status, expires 5/9/2025


State of MA Vendor InformationState Contractor Vendor Code: VC6000182946
City of Boston Vendor IDVendor ID: 0000004395
DHHS Assurance of Compliance

Effective Date: May 15, 2018 request from


Rate Type

Rate Percentage

F&A Rate AgreementDHHS-BMC Agreement
Cognizant Federal Agency

DHHS/Cost Allocation Services

Darryl W. Mayes 212-264-2069

Indirect Cost Rate Type

Indirect Cost Rate Percentage

On-Site Research78.0% 
Off-Site Research30.7% 
Other Sponsored Activity52.0%
Industry-Initiated Clinical Trials30% TDC
Indirect Cost SOP


Fringe Rates

Boston Medical Center Staff


Boston University (for those who have any FTE with BU, including nearly all investigators)

Effective on July 1, 2023

Federal Rates
29.4% Professional
31.4% Support Staff
11.6% Graduate Students

Non-Federal Rates
31.2% Professional
33.2% Support Staff
11.6% Graduate Students

Prior to July 1, 2023

Federal Rates
25.2% Professional
24.3% Support Staff
8.6% Graduate Students

Non-Federal Rates
26.9.2% Professional
25.9% Support Staff
8.6% Graduate Students

Salary Cap Effective Date

DHHS Salary Cap

Effective 01/01/2024Executive Level II $221,900
Guidance on Salary Limitation for Grants and Cooperative Agreements FY 2024

Financial Information Type

Contact Information

For financial questions, please contact

Tyler Flack, Director of Research Finance
Research Operations
Boston Medical Center
960 Massachusetts Avenue, 2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02118-2908

Mail checks to

Research Finance, Accounts Receivable
960 Massachusetts Avenue, 2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02118

Wire and ACH InstructionsBank Name:  RBS Citizens, NA
Address:       1 Citizens Drive
                      Riverside, RI 02915
Account #:    110780-421-0
Acct Name:   RSGA Depository Acct
Acct Type:    Checking
ACH ABA #:  211-070-175
Wire ABA #:  011-500-120
Swift Code:   CTZIUS33
Bank Rep:     Customer Service
Phone:           800-883-4224
Bus Banking: 800-862-6200
BMC Tax ID:  04-331-4093
Notice of Tax Exemption
Uniform Guidance Audit Report (formerly A-133)