The blood vessels that bring blood and oxygen to your brain and spinal cord are a critically important part of your health. When you have an issue with these blood vessels — whether it’s a blood clot, bleeding, or another issue — our expert neurovascular surgeons can provide highly specialized care to keep your nervous system functioning properly.
Location and Contact
Neurosurgery Department
Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Explore the Department
Related Departments and Clinics
Stroke and Cerebrovascular Center
Cardiovascular Center
Vascular Medicine Center
Neurosurgery Residency
The combined Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and BMC Neurosurgical Residency Program gives residents a unique opportunity to train at three medical centers in New England, all of which treat patients with some of the most complex neurologic conditions. During their seven years of training, residents spend equal amounts of time at BIDMC and BMC, six months at Boston Children’s Hospital, and one year carrying out research.