The Education Section is passionate about continuing the tradition of high-quality, innovative, and effective education for our emergency medicine residents. Our faculty are leaders in residency curriculum development and act as the driving force behind countless educational innovations at Boston Medical Center.
Education College
Residents interested in gaining additional experience with medical education can join the Education College. This track will enable residents to become competitive candidates for faculty positions in academic emergency medicine programs, develop skills necessary to succeed in emergency medicine residency leadership positions, and begin creating a teaching portfolio. Contact the Deans of the College, Alex Sheng and Jordan Spector, with questions. Find additional resources below.
Asynchronous Learning Curriculum
The Education Section has developed an innovative asynchronous learning curriculum to augment resident exposure to evidence-based learning. The curriculum consists of Free Open Access Medical (FOAM) education content as well as selected high-impact journal articles. Residents earn conference credit for participating in online discussion forums and quizzes. The curriculum can be accessed here.
Learning Moment

Learning Moment is a novel educational tool designed to optimize experiential learning while working clinically. It is intended to encourage the culture of teaching and learning within our department. We know that learners don’t learn well simply from having experiences; they learn best by reflecting upon them. Users are able to log “learning moments” that occur during clinical work through Learning Moment’s web-based platform. The creators hope is that synthesis of discreet learning experiences into coherent, tangible “learning moments” will facilitate retention and application of knowledge. Learning Moment uses the collection of “learning moments” to create a searchable and shareable repository of clinically-oriented educational content for the platform’s entire community of medical students, residents, and faculty. Finally, Learning Moment hopes to help educators develop a better understanding of the intricacies of teaching and learning in the modern clinical environment – for example, where does learning occur? Who do learners learn from? What is being learned? Read more about the Learning Moment project.
Faculty Leadership
Annemieke Atema, MD
Assistant Professor Director, Medical Student Clerkship
Judy Linden, MD
Associate Professor Vice Chair for Education
Kerry McCabe, MD
Assistant Professor Residency Program Director
Meghan McGrath, MD
Assistant Professor Assistant Residency Program Director
Lauren Nentwich, MD
Assistant Professor Director of Quality and Patient Safety, Emergency Department Assistant Residency Program Director
Jeff Schneider, MD
Assistant Professor Assistant Dean for Graduate Medical Education, Boston Medical Center
Alexander Sheng, MD
Assistant Professor Assistant Residency Program Director
Jordan Spector, MD
Assistant Professor Associate Residency Program Director