The Division of Hospital Neurology specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of hospitalized patients with complex neurologic disorders. We work with outpatient neurology, internal medicine, psychiatry, neurosurgery, and other specialties to provide the highest-quality care to all inpatients who need neurological care.
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Pediatrics - Neurology
Hospitalist Group
Adult Primary Care
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Neurology Residency
The Division of Hospital Neurology works to further BMC’s educational mission by training residents and medical students in the complexities of acute neurologic care. Our hospital neurology faculty are committed educators who have been honored with numerous teaching awards.
Inpatient Neurology Research
Our faculty have made extensive contributions to the scholarship on a wide spectrum of neurologic disorders and topics related to inpatient neurologic care, including neurologic complications of COVID-19 and other infections, epilepsy, stroke, and disparities in the delivery of healthcare. We also play a critical role in patient safety and quality improvement initiatives for neurology inpatients, working to build a hospital environment that ensures patients and their families feel heard and receive the highest quality of care.