American Childhood Cancer Organization

American Cancer Society - Available to assist families when a member has cancer

Bereaved Parents of the USA - A national non-profit self-help group that offers support, understanding, compassion and hope to bereaved parents, grandparents or siblings after the death of a child.

BMC SIDS Outreach Bereavement Program - Available to support parents who have lost an infant to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

BMC Child Witness to Violence Project

Camp Kasem - A summer camp for kids with a parent who has (or has had) cancer.

Cancer Really Sucks - An adolescent specific website.

Centering Corporation and Grief Digest Magazine - A comprehensive resource list for families, caregivers and medical staff.

Childrens Hospice International

Comfort Zone Camp

Good Grief Program at BMC

Joanna's Place - Assists with teaching children constructive ways to deal with grief, loss and emotional trauma.

Louis D. Brown Peace Institute

Mass Commission on End of Life Care

Miss Foundation - An international volunteer-based organization providing C. A. R. E. (counseling, advocacy, research, and education) services to families experiencing the death of a child.

National Alliance for Grieving Children & Families

Riprap - This site is developed especially for teenagers who have a parent with cancer.

The Childrens Room

The Compassionate Friends - Supporting families after a child dies and offers monthly support groups in many areas.

The Dougy Center for Grieving Children &Families - A nationally renowned center for work with grieving children and teens.

The Sibling Support Project - a site for the siblings of people who have special health, developmental or mental health concerns.

The Sibling Connection - A non-profit organization based in St. Louis, MO that provides useful articles and resources for bereaved siblings.