Como cáncer localmente agresivo, SNUC puede tener un curso variable. Debido a que es agresivo, a menudo se trata con más de una modalidad y los planes de tratamiento modernos incluyen cirugía, radiación y posiblemente quimioterapia. A veces también se utilizan tratamientos no quirúrgicos.

Departments and Programs Who Treat This Condition


Otolaryngology – Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery

Whether you need a diagnosis, non-surgical treatment, or surgery for problems involving the ears, sinuses, oral cavity, throat, or neck, the Otolaryngology team is here to provide…


We provide comprehensive surgical treatment of the spine for trauma, degenerative conditions, congenital problems, and more. Our surgeons are experts in less invasive surgical tec…

Skull Base Surgery

Our neurosurgeons treat both cancerous and benign skull base tumors, offering the latest surgeries, as well as non-surgical options, to help you achieve your best quality of life.