The Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Boston Medical Center, one of the most outstanding in New England, provides comprehensive, exceptional orthopedic care to every patient, without exception. From accurate diagnosis, to development of a personalized treatment plan and thorough post-operative follow-up, we work hard to ensure you have the best possible outcome. Our orthopedic doctors and surgeons have extensive training, experience and expertise in the treatment of diseases, abnormalities and deformities of the musculoskeletal system.
BMC Department of Orthopedic Surgery Statement on Diversity
The Department of Orthopedic Surgery is committed to the principles of excellence, fairness, and respect for all people. As part of this commitment, we actively value diversity in our workplace and learning environments, as well as purposefully cultivate a community that is inclusive of all backgrounds, traditions, life experiences, and individual differences. We believe that by understanding and celebrating these differences, we can enhance our orthopedic doctor's abilities to creatively problem solve, address shared goals, promote valuable research, provide a rich academic experience, and ultimately provide exceptional care without exception to all of our patients.
4th Floor, Suite 4B
Shapiro Center 617.638.5633
Fax: 617.414.5226
Hours: Monday - Friday: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
South Bay Rehabilitation Clinic 617.638.5633
Fax: 617.414.5226
Hours: Monday - Friday: 7:15 AM - 4:15 PM
Clínicas Especializadas
Elbow Surgery
Fracture Surgery
Hand Surgery
Hip and Knee Arthroplasty (Replacement)
Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery
Shoulder Surgery
Spine Surgery
Cirugía de rodilla de medicina deportiva
La rodilla es la articulación más grande del cuerpo y una de las que se lesiona con mayor facilidad. Debido a su estructura compleja y uso constante, esto lo pone en un riesgo particularmente alto de sufrir daños.
Conditions We Treat
- Fracturas de acetábulo
- Lesiones del ligamento cruzado anterior
- Displasia de cadera adolescente
- Fractura de tobillo
- Rotura del tendón del bíceps
- Síndrome del túnel carpiano
- Mielopatía cervical espondilótica (compresión de la médula espinal)
- Lesiones comunes de rodilla
- Síndrome del túnel cubital
- Tendinitis de De Quervain
- Fractura distal del húmero (codo roto)
- Fractura del codo (olécranon)
- Pinzamiento femoracetabular
- Fractura del eje del fémur
- Lesiones del tendón flexor
- Quiste ganglionar de muñeca y mano
- Fractura del hueso del talón (calcáneo)
- Hip Arthritis
- Hernia de disco
- Bursitis de cadera
- Fractura de cadera
- Dolor de cadera
- Fijación interna
- Knee Arthritis
- Lesiones del ligamento de la rodilla
- Epicondilitis lateral (codo de tenista)
- Estenosis raquídea lumbar
- Dedo en mazo
- Meniscus Tears
- Lesiones nerviosas
- Seudoartrosis
- Osteoartritis del codo
- Osteoartritis de la mano
- Osteoartritis del hombro
- Osteoartritis del pulgar
- Osteoartritis de la muñeca
- Fractura rotuliana (rótula)
- Osteonecrosis de la cadera
- Fractura de la cabeza radial
- Desgarros del manguito rotador
- Fractura de espinilla
- Dislocaciones de hombro
- Shoulder Instability
- Desgarro de la articulación del hombro
- Esguince de tobillo
- Esguince en la muñeca
- Espondilolistesis
- Dedo en gatillo
- Fractura de la tibia superior (espinilla)
- Fractura de muñeca (radio distal)
Nuestro Equipo
Fracture and Trauma Surgeons
Paul Tornetta III, MD, PhD
William R Creevy, MD
Nathan Olszewski, MD
Hip and Knee Replacement Surgeons
Ayesha R. Abdeen, MD
David M. Freccero, MD
Shoulder and Sports Medicine Surgeons
Xinning Li, MD
Robert J Nicoletta, MD
Adrienne Coats
Administrative Director
Joanne Garcia
Revenue Cycle Director
Beth C Bragdon, PhD
Assistant Professor, Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine
Louis C Gerstenfeld, PhD
Recursos del Paciente
Orthopedic Patient External Resources
Elective Surgery Screening
Orthopedic Surgery Frequently Asked Questions
Recursos del Proveedor
"I experienced a severe tibia plateau fracture several years ago and my local orthopedic surgeon took a pass on performing the necessary surgery. Dr. Tornetta took me as a patient on a moment's notice and performed the surgery to repair my exploded tibia the next day! He is a gifted surgeon and a really nice guy. I hold him in the highest regard.
~ Dave
"Dr. Li performed 2 surgeries on my body in the past two years, a pectoralis major repair (shoulder) and a meniscus repair/ body part removal (knee). As a professional athlete I was pessimistic about my chances of maintaining my athleticism and being able to play at a high level again, but after Dr. Li successfully conducted these surgeries and got me back to exactly where I was before getting injured, I am not only grateful for the job he did but I am also ecstatic about continuing my career!"
~ Ousmane
My back pain is gone!
I've seen many surgeons before finally seeing Dr Tannoury. No one believed or understood the reason of my back pain. Dr Tannoury did lumbar fusion on 2 discs and now my pain is gone!~ Anonymous
The personalized care that I received and the courtesy in which it was conducted was very very efficient. I really appreciate them, and I look forward to continue to have them service me in anyway - thank you. Have a good day.
~ Patient
It was so nice to meet a wonderful compassionate dr. Who is a professional in every sense of the word. And his PA Jennifer just as professional and caring I am to have surgery soon and Dr. Stein and his staff have been able to calm me down and that takes a lot
~ Patient
Dr. Creevy is great!!! Took time to listen and answer all my questions.
~ Patient
Great experience. Dr. Freccero explained in detail the procedure he performed and went through all of the steps of what to expect in my recovery.
~ Patient
Excellent provider I would highly recommended him awesome surgeon with a fantastic bedside manner!!!
~ Patient
the visits to the orthopedic department have been extraordinary .. amazing service amazing results
~ Patient
Noticias del Departamento
Paul Tornetta Appointed Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery
Paul Tornetta III, MD, has been appointed Chief and Chair of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Boston Medical Center and BU School of Medicine, effective immediately.
Paul Tornetta III, MD, designado jefe y presidente de cirugía ortopédica
Nos complace anunciar que Paul Tornetta III, MD, ha sido nombrado Jefe y Presidente del Departamento de Cirugía Ortopédica del Centro Médico de Boston y la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de…
Manijeh Berenji, MD, MPH invitado a servir como miembro de la Junta Asesora sobre Sustancias Tóxicas y Salud del Trabajador del Secretario de Trabajo de EE. UU.
El Departamento de Trabajo de EE. UU. anunció que el Dr. Berenji y otras 11 personas designadas integrarán la Junta Asesora sobre Sustancias Tóxicas y Salud de los Trabajadores de la Ley del…
Boston Medical Center Orthopaedic Surgery recibe Blue Distinction Centers® para la designación de cirugía de columna
Boston Medical Center Orthopaedic Surgery se enorgullece en anunciar que se encuentra entre un grupo selecto de hospitales que recibieron la designación Blue Distinction Centers ® para cirugía de…
Felicitaciones al Dr. Paul Tornetta III
24 de noviembre de 2021: ¡Nos complace anunciar que nuestro Jefe de Cirugía Ortopédica, Paul Tornetta III, MD , fue nombrado recientemente Segundo Vicepresidente de la Academia Estadounidense de…
Boston Magazine nombra 2022 "Top Docs"
Boston Magazine ha publicado su lista de " Top Docs " e incluyó al Dr. Paul Tornetta III, la Dra. Ayesha R. Abdeen y el Dr. Andrew B. Stein del Departamento de Ortopedia. La atención que brindan a…
El Dr. Chadi Tannoury recibe un prestigioso premio de beca
Felicitaciones a Chadi Tannoury, MD, director médico de atención ambulatoria ortopédica de BMC, por haber sido seleccionado como miembro itinerante de la Asociación Ortopédica Japonesa de 2018…
Manijeh Berenji, MD, MPH elegido miembro de la junta directiva de AOEC
La Asociación de Clínicas Ambientales y Ocupacionales (AOEC) se complace en anunciar la elección de un nuevo miembro individual de la Junta Directiva, Manijeh Berenji, MD, MPH. Su mandato de tres…
Subvención otorgada por el Departamento de Cirugía Ortopédica
El Departamento de Cirugía Ortopédica (Premio PI: Louis Gerstenfeld, PhD; BMC PI: Paul Tornetta III, MD) recibió una subvención de investigación clínica de $2,000,000 por cuatro años del Departamento…
Xinning Li, MD elegido para ASES
Nos complace anunciar que The American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) ha elegido a Xinning Li, MD, como miembro activo de la Sociedad.
¡Felicitaciones a Louis Gerstenfeld, PhD!
Louis Gerstenfeld, PhD, Director del Laboratorio de Investigación Ortopédica, ha sido seleccionado por la Sociedad de Investigación Ortopédica y la Sección Internacional de Reparación de Fracturas …
Paul Tornetta III, MD, FAAOS, named second vice president of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
CHICAGO (March 24, 2022)—Boston orthopaedic trauma surgeon Paul Tornetta III, MD, FAAOS, was named second vice president of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons’ (AAOS) Board of Directors…
Dr. Xinning Li dará grandes rondas en la Universidad de Miami
Dr. Xinning Li invitado a dar grandes rondas en la Universidad de Miami Dr. Xinning Li invitado a dar grandes rondas en el departamento de cirugía ortopédica de la Universidad de Miami sobre el tema…
BMC is rewriting healthcare by listening and innovating
Rewriting Healthcare by Catherine Widgery, BMC PatientAfter a hip replacement at age 59, rower Catherine Widgery continued to win titles, making her the fastest woman rower over age 65 in the world…
Resumen de la Investigación
The Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Boston Medical Center is affiliated with the Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine. To learn about research activities, please visit the Orthopedic Surgery section of the Boston University website.
The Orthopaedic Research Laboratory is dedicated to exploring the scientific basis of musculoskeletal diseases and injuries as well as developing new technologies for the improvement of musculoskeletal function resulting in improving the quality of life for orthopedic patients.
Información Sobre Residencia y Becas
The Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Boston Medical Center is affiliated with the Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine. To learn about our residency and fellowship programs, please visit the Orthopedic Surgery section of the Boston University website.