BMC Actualizaciones e Información

Actualización de la política de no discriminación

Boston Medical Center Health System cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de edad, raza, color, origen nacional (incluido el dominio limitado del inglés y el idioma principal), religión, cultura, discapacidades físicas o mentales, estatus socioeconómico, sexo, orientación sexual e identidad y/o expresión de género. BMCHS proporciona ayuda y servicios gratuitos a personas con discapacidades y servicios lingüísticos gratuitos a personas cuyo idioma principal no es el inglés.

Para leer nuestra Declaración de no discriminación completa, haga clic aquí.

Welcome to the Data Integrity Unit at Boston Medical Center! Our team is dedicated to maintaining the accuracy and completeness of medical records through amendment requests, merging duplicate records, and updating personal information such as name, gender, age, and Social Security number. We prioritize the integrity of your health information, ensuring that it reflects your medical history and treatment accurately.

Contact information and hours

  • Address: Boston Medical Center, 850 Harrison Avenue (Yawkey Basement), Boston, MA 02118
  • Phone: 617.414.4213
  • Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Interpreter Services: For interpreter services or any assistance, please call 617.414.5549.

Our team is available during these hours to assist you with any questions or concerns about amendment requests, record merging, or updates to personal information. Feel free to contact us for support and guidance.

Amendment requests 

Under federal law, specifically HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability) regulations, you have the right to request an amendment to your medical records if you believe any information is incorrect or incomplete. This ensures your health information accurately reflects your medical history and treatment. Below is an updated process for requesting an amendment, including the initial step of filling out a specific form:

Important clarifications

  • For correct but outdated information: If your medical record includes information that is correct but outdated, such as medications you no longer take or conditions you no longer have, please contact the provider who added the information. This is crucial for ensuring your health records are current and accurate.
  • For other corrections or amendments: All requests to correct or amend documentation in your medical record must be submitted in writing. All communications regarding your amendment request, including our response, will also be provided in writing.

How to request an amendment

  1. Complete the request form: You can download the request for amendment/correction to the medical record form to complete. This form is your first step towards amending any information in your medical records.
  2. Provide detailed information: In the form, specify what you believe is incorrect or incomplete, and how it should be corrected or amended. Attach any supporting documents or evidence if possible.
  3. Submit your form: After filling out the form and attaching any necessary documents, you can either hand-deliver it or mail it to us. This submission is how you officially start the amendment process.

Updating personal information in your medical records

At Boston Medical Center, we prioritize the accuracy of your medical records, which includes keeping your personal information such as age, gender, social security number, and name up to date. If you need to correct or change any of this information due to errors or changes in your life, we are here to assist you in making these updates.

Required documentation for updates

To ensure the accuracy of the changes to your personal information, we require specific documents for verification. Below are the types of documentation needed based on the update you are requesting.

For name changes

Official documentation reflecting the change is required, such as:

  • Driver's license
  • Birth certificate (additional documents like marriage licenses, divorce decrees, or court orders may be needed if the name you are requesting is different than what's on your birth certificate)
  • Social Security card
  • Passport
  • State-issued ID
  • Tribal ID
  • Matricula consular
  • Other documents may be considered on a case-by-case basis
For gender changes

To support individuals in their transition, please provide:

  • A physician's letter, if you do not have a passport or a Social Security card reflecting the change
  • Any of the above documents that affirm your current gender identity

Understanding the review process

Upon receipt of your completed form and required documentation, we will:

  • Verify the documents for completeness and accuracy.
  • Proceed to update your personal information in our records.
  • Inform you once the changes have been implemented.

We strive to process requests in a timely manner, but we appreciate your patience as we ensure the accuracy of the updates. If we need more information or additional documents, we will contact you directly.

  • Response time: We will address your request within 60 days of receiving the form. If more time is needed, we will notify you in writing of the delay.
  • Approval: If we approve your request, we will amend the health information and let you know.
  • Denial: If your request is denied you will receive a written explanation detailing the reasons. You'll also get information about your rights to challenge our decision and how to file a complaint with our office or the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

If your request is denied

  • Further actions: You can submit a disagreement statement, request that your original amendment request and the denial be included in future disclosures, or file a complaint with the BMC privacy officer.
  • Documentation for transparency: The entire amendment process, from your initial request through to our final decision and any further actions, will be recorded. This ensures a clear, accountable record of your attempt to amend your medical information. This information can be found in your medical record.

Reasons for possible denial

  • The information was not created by us, unless the original creator is unavailable.
  • The information is not part of the medical or billing records.
  • The information is not available for inspection and copying.
  • The information is deemed accurate and complete.

Your role and rights

It's important that you actively take part in keeping your medical records accurate. By requesting amendments or updating outdated information through the appropriate channels, you help ensure the integrity of your health information, which is fundamental for your ongoing care and treatment.


HIPAA privacy law ensures that you have a right to access your medical records and prohibits unauthorized use or disclosure of your medical information. For more information on your privacy rights, please reach out to the Privacy Office at or 617.638.7919 for any concerns, including:

  • Break the glass requests, which add an extra layer of protection to your electronic medical records
  • Audit request to audit for unauthorized access to your medical records