New project setups can take approximately 1-2 weeks from notice of award or fully executed agreement to ensure consistency across all required systems and to provide sufficient time to validate setup data.

- InfoEd: InfoEd setup is managed by Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) and takes an average of 5 business days. The process begins when SPA receives an award notice, fully executed agreement, or complete Pre-Notification Account Request. The specifics of the award or contract are entered into InfoEd to complete the record. This same data is used when creating the project in downstream systems: Infor, Workday, and BU Works.
- Infor: After the InfoEd setup is complete, Research Information Systems (RIS), will start the setup process in Infor. This can take 1-3 business days to complete.
- Infor Validation: The Finance Analyst (FA) assigned to the project will validate the information that is uploaded to Infor. This can take 1-3 business days to complete.
- Workday: After the InfoEd project setup phase is complete, Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) will be notified to setup the project in Workday. This can take 1-3 business days and will run parallel to Infor project setup and Infor Validation.
- Boston University Institutional Order Number (BU IO): After the InfoEd project setup phase is complete, RIS will notify the Boston University Office of Sponsored Programs (BU OSP) to create the BU IO. The BU IO is unique number matched to BMC’s posting project number that allows BU payroll to charge to a BMC project. This can take 1-3 business days and will run parallel to Infor project setup, project validation, and Workday project setup.
- Sponsored Project Award Notification Sent: After the Infor Validation, Workday setup, and BU IO setup is complete, a RIS will send notice via email to the Principal Investigator/Program Director, Department Administrator, FA, SPA, and the Development office that project setup has been completed.