La anemia de células falciformes es un trastorno sanguíneo en el que los glóbulos rojos que transportan oxígeno están curvados como una hoz en lugar de redondos y suaves como un disco. Las células deformadas son pegajosas, lo que dificulta que la sangre fluya normalmente y, en consecuencia, hay una falta de oxígeno en el cuerpo, lo que provoca posibles daños y dolor. La anemia de células falciformes se transmite de padres a hijos y es más común en personas de regiones africanas y de habla hispana.

Departments and Programs Who Treat This Condition


Sickle Cell Disease

BMC’s Center of Excellence in Sickle Cell Disease serves more than 600 patients, from newborns to adults, annually. The center’s multidisciplinary team includes sickle cell diseas…

Sickle Cell Disease - Adult Clinic

We’re home to the largest center for sickle cell disease in New England, with hematologists who specialize in treating adults with SCD.

Sickle Cell Disease - Pediatric Clinic

In BMC’s Pediatric Sickle Cell Program, our specialists provide comprehensive care for hundreds of pediatric patients and understand the specific needs of kids born with sickle ce…

Sickle Cell Disease - Transitional Care

BMC’s Transitional Care Clinic team, which includes both pediatric and adult sickle cell specialists, works closely with patients and their families during this time to help our y…