BMC Actualizaciones e Información

Actualización de la política de no discriminación

Boston Medical Center Health System cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de edad, raza, color, origen nacional (incluido el dominio limitado del inglés y el idioma principal), religión, cultura, discapacidades físicas o mentales, estatus socioeconómico, sexo, orientación sexual e identidad y/o expresión de género. BMCHS proporciona ayuda y servicios gratuitos a personas con discapacidades y servicios lingüísticos gratuitos a personas cuyo idioma principal no es el inglés.

Para leer nuestra Declaración de no discriminación completa, haga clic aquí.

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Dr Mittelman is an Attending Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Boston Medical Center and is an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine. A graduate of Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, Dr Mittelman stayed at Boston Medical Center for residency training in Emergency Medicine where he also served as Chief Resident. He is an expert on the topic of resident attrition and has co-authored the majority of research into attrition in the field of Emergency Medicine. He is interested in the way that physicians learn to run resuscitation teams. His research focuses on the ways that trainees practice and master the management of critically-ill patients.
  • Departamentos

  • Especialidades

    Resident/Trainee education, Resident burnout and attrition, resuscitation leadership, post-exposure prophylaxis

  • Contacto

  • Ubicación Primaria

    850 Harrison Avenue
    Boston, MA 02118
  • Título Administrativo

    Assistant Residency Program Director of Emergency Medicine, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

  • Residencia

    Boston Medical Center, 2021