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Cập nhật chính sách không phân biệt đối xử

Hệ thống Y tế Trung tâm Y tế Boston tuân thủ luật dân quyền hiện hành của Liên bang và không phân biệt đối xử dựa trên tuổi tác, chủng tộc, màu da, nguồn gốc quốc gia (bao gồm trình độ tiếng Anh hạn chế và ngôn ngữ chính), tôn giáo, văn hóa, khuyết tật về thể chất hoặc tinh thần, tình trạng kinh tế xã hội, giới tính, khuynh hướng tình dục và bản dạng giới và/hoặc biểu hiện giới tính. BMCHS cung cấp hỗ trợ và dịch vụ miễn phí cho người khuyết tật và dịch vụ ngôn ngữ miễn phí cho những người có ngôn ngữ chính không phải là tiếng Anh.

Để đọc Tuyên bố không phân biệt đối xử đầy đủ của chúng tôi, hãy nhấp vào đây.

Photographer: Emily Aniskovich

Education and Training for Research and other Sponsored Programs

Consult the BMC/BUMC research community calendar below for upcoming training and education opportunities. All are free, live, and virtual. Please note that some sessions offer continuing education units; some require registration; and some registrations have a deadline, usually 24-48 hours before the event.

Our library of trainings is growing monthly and is located below the calendar.


Boston Health Equity & Community-Aligned Learning Health System (HEALHS)

The Boston HEALHS Scientist Training Program provides early to mid-career research faculty with support over two years as embedded Learning Health Systems scientists, under mentorship of Boston HEAHLS investigators and other researchers from across BMC. Learn more



Event Calendar

Tháng 1 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Trainings Library

Clinical Research Seminars

The BMC/NBUMC Clinical Research Resources Office (CRRO) Clinical Research Seminars Library, 2009-present

Infor Reporting

Download PDF


Salary Allocation

Download PDF

Cost Transfer



Cost Transfer Training Presentation

T32 Institutional Training Grants Proposals

T32 Institutional Training Grants Proposal Development & Submission

Human Research Training: Required

BMC and Boston University Medical Campus require that all researchers involved in human research must receive formal training. Depending on the type of research you conduct, there are several levels of required training as listed in this section

View Clinical Researcher required regulatory trainings

Velos-CT – Clinical Trial Management System Trainings

The Clinical Trial Office has developed two types of training for Velos.

  • VelosCT Basics: This training covers how to use VelosCT to manage study records, participants, and calendar visits. Contact to be assigned a VelosTest training account and obtain the necessary training materials.
  • VelosCT|Epic Interface training: This training covers the Velos-Epic interface and the research billing review workflow. 

Visit the Systems page for more VelosCT resources

ClinCard – Participant Reimbursement System Training

ClinCard is a web-based reloadable debit card program used for research participant payment issuance, tracking, and reporting. Studies must have an active IRB# in order to participate. This section outlines the steps for attending the training and setting up the ClinCard account.

View ClinCard website

Visit the Systems page for more ClinCard resources

Research Home Cost Center (RHCC)

RHCC training and guidance FY2024

Research Billing Compliance Basics

February 2024 video

February 2024 slides


The Process: Clinical Research Billing and Finance

March 2024 video

March 2024 slides

The CRBF series, Part II, was reprised on March 29, 2024; technical difficulty interfered with its recording, but the content is virtually identical to the original March 13 offering through the CRRO.

Time and Effort Reporting for Certifiers

EIM Grant Requirements

SOP training slides, April 2024: Enterprise Invoice/Service Managment (EIM-ESM) 

Internal Budgeting: Clinical Research Billing and Finance

The CRBF series, Part III, video, from June 20, 2024, will be posted here.

Internal Budgeting slides

Effort in Clinical Research: Budgeting, Reporting, Salary Allocation

The 8/27 presentation coming soon

Slides only


Excel Tips for Pre- and Post-Award Administration, parts 1-2

Two presentations to be added soon


Part I slides only

Part II slides only

Part I transcript only

Part II transcript only

Project Budget Worksheet

Post-Award Reporting Handout

VLOOKUP handout

VLOOKUP example (handout)

Part II, general and budget handout

Data Download, Part II handout


Financial Reporting at the Department Level

Presentation to be added

Slides only

How to Audit Proof Your Department

Presentation to be added soon

Slides only

Transcript only

Budgeting Salaries

Presentation to be added

Slides only

Developing Compelling Budget Justifications

Presentation to be added

Slides only

Transcript only

Better Together: When Pre-Award Becomes a Post-Award Activity

Presentation to be added

Slides only

Cost Share: Tackling the Challenges

Presentation to be added soon

Slides only

Transcript only

Compensation/Effort Reporting Internal Controls throughout the Lifecycle of a Sponsored Project

Presentation to be added

Slides only

Transcript only

Compliance and the Uniform Guidance

Primary presentation to be added

Case studies presentation to be added

Compliance and the Uniform Guidance, slides only

Compliance and the UG, transcript only

Cost Transfers: Evaluating your Current Procedures to Mitigate Risk

Presentation to be added

Slides only

Equipment/Capital Assets: Optimizing Practices

Presentation to be added

Slides only

Post-award Finance NCURA trainings

For your convenience, we provide NCURA presentations and slides related to financial management below.  Please note: we have many NCURA resources for using Excel effectively in research finance.  Please consult the NCURA section of this library.

NCURA Financial Management Resources

Better Together: Pre- and Post-Award Coordination presentation to be added soon

Better Together: Pre- and Post-Award, slides only


Cost Share Challenges presentation to be added soon

Cost Share Challenges, slides only


Cost Transfer presentation to be added soon

Cost Transfers, slides only


Effort Reporting: Internal Controls -- presentation to be added soon

Effort Reporting: Internal Controls, slides only


Financial Reporting at the Department Level presentation to be added soon

Financial Reporting at the Department Level, slides only


Equipment/Capital Assets: Optimizing Practices presentation to be added soon

Equipment/Capital Assets: Optimizing Practices, slides only


Audit-Proofing your Department presentation to be added soon

Audit-Proofing your Department, slides only


Compliance and the Uniform Guidance presentation to be added soon

Compliance and the UG, slides only

Pre-award NCURA trainings

See the NCURA section below for several NCURA Excel resources for pre- and post-award, including a two-part presentations and a budget worksheet, among several Excel handouts.


Budgeting Salaries – presentation to be added soon

Budgeting Salaries, slides only


Compelling Budget Justifications – presentation to be added soon

Compelling Budget Justifications, slides only


Better Together: Pre- and Post-award – presentation to be added soon

Better Together: Pre- and Post-award, slides only

Clinical Research Budget Justification and Negotiation

Video coming soon

Slides coming soon

Clinical Research Manuscript Template

Clinical Research Manuscript Template (Word doc)