Campus Construction Update

Starting September 14, we’re closing the Menino building lobby entrance. This, along with the ongoing Yawkey building entrance closure, will help us bring you an even better campus experience that matches the exceptional care you've come to expect. Please enter the Menino and Yawkey buildings through the Moakley building, and make sure to leave extra time to get to your appointment. Thank you for your patience. 

Click here to learn more about our campus redesign. 

Research Operations award management forms listed below.

Forms and Systems




ClinCard is a web-based reloadable debit card program used for research participant payment issuance, tracking, and reporting. Studies must have an active IRB # in order to participate.

Getting started:

It's recommended you include the statement 'participant payments will be made via a reloadable debit card' to the Informed Consent for all new and existing BMC managed projects/proposals (at the time of IRB Protocol Application or Renewal).

Then complete the following:

1. Watch a 5-minuteClinCard Training Video
2. Read through theClinCard Departmental User Manual
3. Complete and submit theClinCard User Access Request Form(no physical signatures)
4. Complete and submit the onlineClinCard *Card* Pick Up Request Formalong with attaching theClinCard Study Setup Request Formand supporting documents (Informed Consent, and Project Budget)
5. After submitting these forms, a Clinical Trial Financial Analyst will get your study setup and confirm when you can start using ClinCards to pay your research participants. Questions about the ClinCard program can be sent to

Other Related Links:


VelosCT is a Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS) used to manage financial, administrative and clinical research activities. The system links study status, patient enrollment, calendars, budgets, and patient status as well as provide a mechanism for budgeting, milestones, A/R management, protocol management, patient recruitment & management, query management, adverse event reporting, etc. It is primarily used for managing clinical research studies utilizing hospital infrastructure with charges posting to SDK or GE.

Getting started:

If you are unsure as to whether your study should be entered in VelosCT, please first complete the CTO Intake Form (or contact [emailprotected]). If your study qualifies for VelosCT, then proceed to steps 1 & 2, if not already completed.

  1. Watch the following Training Videos (For those who plan to administer studies in VelosCT). Use the VelosCT-Test Study for VelosCT Training Videos when training:
    1. VelosCT Training Video 1st Section [Introduction]
    2. VelosCT Training Video 2nd Section [Adding a Study]
    3. VelosCT Training Video 3rd Section [Adding Participants_Editing Calendars_Reporting]
    4. VelosCT Training Video 4th Section [Roles&Responsiblities_Status Definitions]-"Update in progress"
    5. Related Training Material:Training Session (slides) | VelosCT-Adverse Event Log CribSheet
  2. Please complete the VelosCT User Access Request Form if you will need access to VelosCT

VelosCT | INSPIR-II Interface:

The aim of the interface is to help reduce some of the administrative actions required with clinical research studies. Key highlights include:

  • Jump-start your new IRB protocol application directly out of VelosCT by sending 12 data fields (one-time) to INSPIR-II and receiving an IRB Protocol Number in return for your study
  • Automatically receive IRB protocol status updates, NCT#, and Documents from INSPIR-II in VelosCT (it will auto-archive previously interfaced documents too)
  • If your IRB protocol is ceded (e.g WIRB, CIRB, Hummingbird), that number will also come to VelosCT once it’s been entered and approved in INSPIR-II (Note: ceded protocols without a corresponding INSPIR-II protocol are not part of the interface)

For more information please read: VelosCT | INSPIR-II Interface Overviewand view: VelosCT | INSPIR-II Interface Training Video.

Other Systems Links


Who is my Research Finance Analyst?

Please see the Research Operations Directory &Portfolio Distribution

When does my Research Account get setup/how long until I receive a new activity number?

Typically, account setups are completed and notifications with the new activity number are sent to the PI and Administrator between five to ten business days after the award notice.

Where do I find information on and gain access to Research Systems?

Please visit the Systems page, and contact [emailprotected] if further information is needed.

How do I gain access to and run research-based reports?

Request a Lawson LBI user account by visiting the FIS User Access Forms page and selecting the LBI Reports option for "Research" for Finance/Grants reporting.You may also select the "Hospital/Non-Grant" option if you need access to VelosCT reports for Clinical Trials.

To run VelosCT reports, please see the VelosCT-Reports User Guide

To run Lawson reports, please see the Lawson Reports Guide

How do I register for a FedEx, Fisher, Qiagen or WestNet account?

FedEx: Please complete the Ship Manager Access Form. Fisher, Qiagen or WestNet: E-mail [emailprotected].

Do I need a BU Internal Order (IO) #?

A BU IO# is used to facilitate cross-institutional salary support on research projects. The IO# is identified on the account setup notification sent from Research Operations to the PI and Administrator.

Is there ClinCard documentation for participants?

Please see BMC ClinCard Cardholder FAQ

What is the difference between a grant and a contract?

A grant is an offer of assistance where the government is a partner/patron and the purpose is to provide support and stimulation. It benefits a public purpose and is investigator initiated. A contract is an acquisition where the government is a purchaser of goods and services. Contracts are initiated by the government and directly benefit them.

How do I differentiate between a gift and a sponsored project?

A sponsored project typically has two or more of the following characteristics: defined work statement; competitive proposal/award process; a line item budget identifying expenditures by activity, function and project period; specific commitment of deliverables and level of personal effort; a formal report that summarizes results. A gift would have only one or none of above characteristics.

What is the capitalization threshold for BMC?

BMC: $5,000

What are BMC's EIN and DUNS numbers?

EIN: 04-3314093 DUNS: 00-549-2160

Where can I get a copy of the W-9 needed for the Independent Contractor/Consulting Agreement? - Click on Forms and Publications Finder; Type in W-9; Click Go; Click on Form W-9. You must have Adobe to Read/Print.

If a BMC person is on FMLA should she/he be charged to my grant?

No - This person should be charged to the FMLA Detail Account. Contact your Grant Accountant if an adjustment has to be made.

What does Expanded Authorities mean?

Per NIH Grants Policy Statement dated March 2001 the definition of Expanded Authorities is as follows: The operating authorities provided to grantees under certain research grant mechanisms that waive the requirement for NIH prior approval for specified actions.

After a grant ends, how long does a program have to post expenses that occurred within the grant's budget period?

The program has 90 days after the grant end date to post expenses that occurred within the grant budget period.

How do I know what the available balance is on an income account?

Income account balances are shown at the bottom of the Budget Status Report. Income accounts will not have budgets entered and the administrator should rely on the balance available data when reviewing these accounts. Income account balances are posted twice monthly so it is possible for a deposit to take several weeks before appearing in the balance on the BSR.

What is the BMC Space Survey and how often is it conducted?

The Space Survey is the process of assigning institutional space into OMB Circular A-21 functional categories based on space use. The results are used to calculate the percentage of space that is used to support the subsequent allocation of space related costs to organized research. The survey is conducted biannually.

What are the current BMC and BU rates for Fringe and Indirect?

Click here for most up-to-date rates:Rate Summary Sheet

What are common indirect exclusions?

Subcontracts, Equipment above $5K, Other Patient Care, and Stipends are all common indirect exclusions.

What is the current reimbursement rate for mileage according to the Federal government?

Click here for most up-to-date rates:Federal Government Mileage Rates

What are Modified Total Direct Costs?

MTDC are only those direct costs upon which the indirect rate can be charged (all direct costs after exclusions are taken out).

What are the signature authorization levels for BMC?

BMC:Manager/Program Admin -Up to $49,999
PI - $50,000 and over

Who is the authorized signator for my grants at BMC?

The BMC Authorized Organization Representative and signatory for sponsored programs is: 

Tina DaSilva, Executive Director
BMC Research Operations
960 Massachusetts  Avenue, 2nd Fl
Boston, MA 02118-2690

What are BMC's current travel policies?

Click here for BMC Grants Travel Policy.

Whom do I contact about getting more forms?

Contact your Finance Analyst

What is the budget revision procedure?

Budget revision procedures are dependent on funder regulations. Most funders require revision requests in writing that often need the current budget, proposed changes, and revised budget as well as a written justification to support necessity. Programs can work with their Research Finance Analyst to outline funder requirements and develop the budget revision. If the funder does not require formal documentation in order to revise budgets, a copy of the revised budget can be forwarded to Research Finance to input changes.

How do I do a no-cost extension on my federal grant?

The Principal Investigator writes a letter requesting a no-cost extension to Alexandria Hui, Associate Director of Research Finance. The letter should contain the Federal Grant Number, time of requested no-cost extension (usually is one year), and explanation as to why the extension is needed. Reference to dollars should not be listed. The no-cost extension is approved here at the institutional level and faxed to NIH, where approval is automatic and a revised NOGA is generated.

When submitting a reimbursement form, what should be included as backup?

Employee reimbursements should contain all receipts that total the amount being requested for reimbursement. Receipts should be itemized and not contain any unallowable expenses such as alcohol and entertainment costs.

What is Time and Effort Reporting and why do I have to do it?

Click here for T&E Reporting

What is the procedure for subcontracts here at BMC?

Click here for Subcontract/Consortium Agreements where BMC is Prime

On the Employee Services Form (ESF) can I have one ESF per activity number?

No - One ESF must be used per person. Include ALL of the activity numbers on this one form. The basic rule to remember is that the ESF must equal the 3454-8 code on the BU turnaround form.

If a BUemployee leaves and/or quits, do I have to inform Research Finance?

Yes - you must fill out the Employee Services Form, write the termination date in the appropriate box and forward onto your Research Finance Analyst.

Who is responsible for filling out the ESF if the turnaround form is not handled through my office?

If a person is shared amongst several administrators, the person who handles the turnaround should handle the ESF as well. If you have a grant that the individual will be working on, forward that information to the person who handles the turnaround so that they can update the ESF and forward to Research Finance for signature.

Who are my contacts in Materials Management (MM) and Accounts Payable (AP)?

MM - for Research: 638-6051
A/P - for BMC vendors A to I: 414-1163, and for BMC vendors J to Z: 414- 1167

What kind of back up is required when filling out a Purchase Order Requisition?

If the order is related to an independent contractor/consultant/subcontract, a fully executed contract is needed. If the order is with a vendor who will be performing a service (maintenance, electrical work, extermination,etc), documentation is required for backup. When the order is for a vendor that will provide a varied amount of supplies, a contract or other backup is NOT required. For products/services of less that $1000, no quotes are required. For $1001 to $4999, 2 quotes are required. For $5000 and above, 3 quotes are required.

How do I fill out a Check Requisition and what back up is needed?

Tips: Make sure Activity Number matches Accounting Unit and Account Category matches Detail Account. Make sure you have the correct Company box checked off ( BMC-100). The Requester cannot be the authorizing signature. Make sure appropriate Level Authority has signed for the amount being requested (see FAQ #4). Original invoices only for attached documentation. Past Due charges may not be applied to current invoices.

How can I find out if an invoice has been paid?

Run the Grant Expense report in Crystal. If an invoice has been paid, it will show up here with corresponding check number and check date. If it has not been paid, it will still show up on this report but without a check number/date next to it.

Policies & Procedures

Institutional Policies

Standard Operating Procedures


Guidelines on Authorship


Grants Revenue Report Tutorial



Chart of Accounts

Effort Certification:
Effort Reviewer Guide

General (Resources)
