If you are interested in giving back to the patients of Boston Medical Center, we offer you the opportunity to make an in-kind donation. 

Gifts That Matter Campaign

As the holiday season approaches, we are grateful for the overwhelming interest  to make in-kind donations to BMC programs and patients. The "Gifts That Matter" campaign is a way for departments across our health system to brighten the season for many of our patients and families. Below is a list of BMC programs and departments that have expressed interest in being considered for your 2024 holiday donation.

The Autism Program

The Autism Program at Boston Medical Center assists and empowers autistic individuals and their families through direct patient support, provider education, and community-based outreach. The Autism Program strives to meet the needs of the community in Boston and its surrounding areas in a culturally competent manner by offering high-quality and comprehensive care to all. Visit the Autism Program’s 2024 Holiday Wish List here.

Contact: Autismprogram@bmc.org

Child Life Program

The Child Life Program at Boston Medical Center helps children and families manage the stresses associated with hospitalization and illness. Whether a child is going to a doctor’s appointment, having surgery, staying overnight in the hospital, or being treated in the Emergency Department, a child life specialist is available to help alleviate the stressors associated with a child’s healthcare experience. Visit the Child Life Program's Wish List for a complete list of their needs.

Contact: Molly Duggan (Molly.Duggan@bmc.org; 617-414-7346)

Child Witness to Violence Program

The Child Witness to Violence Project (CWVP) provides free, specialized counseling, advocacy, and outreach services that focus on young children, from birth to 17 years old, who have been exposed to domestic violence, community violence, or other trauma-related events. This year has been particularly challenging for many CWVP families due to the rising cost of basic needs. All donations will be used to support families in providing a wonderful holiday season for their children. Visit the Child Witness to Violence Program's Wish List here (Amazon) and here (Target) to find out more.

Contact: Ashley Schiffmiller (Ashley.Schiffmiller@bmc.org ; 617-414-7426)

Elders Living At Home

The Living Well at Home Program provides intensive housing casework to homeless and at-risk older adults and individuals with complex medical needs. ELAHP’s goal is to help these individuals transition to and maintain safe affordable permanent housing, and improve their health and well-being. ELAHP is requesting gift card donations from Target, CVS, Walgreens, Stop & Shop, and Amazon which allow patients to purchase essential items as they transition to housing, or when emergencies arise.
•    Mailing Address:
Liseimy Mateo, Living Well at Home
960 Mass Ave, Floor 3, Boston MA 02118
Contact: Liseimy Mateo (Liseimy.Mateo@bmc.org; 857-523-0096)

Grayken Women's Health Initiative (GWHI)

The Grayken Women's Health Initiative (GWHI) is a low-barrier program that supports people who identify as women with substance use disorders and people in recovery. The program, led by social workers, aims to address the complex physical and behavioral health needs of women dealing with addiction. Our primary focus is to assist women in accessing substance use treatment services, preventative care, and sexual and reproductive health services. We also offer behavioral health support, ongoing care coordination, and assistance for those experiencing interpersonal violence and commercial sexual exploitation. Our team collaborates with hospital programs and community organizations to ensure women have access to appropriate care. The GWHI wishlist is attached here. 

Contact: Jackie Torres Jacquelyn.Torres@bmc.org


OBGYN Department

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Boston Medical Center offers full spectrum genecology care, as well as programs and services for every aspect of pregnancy and childbirth, to help women be their healthiest selves.  All donations will be used to support the families and individuals who receive care at the department, with a huge need for strollers and playpens specifically. The OBGYN wishlist is attached here.

Contact: Ana Jiminian Ana.Jiminian@bmc.org

Project ASSERT & Rapid ACCESS

Project ASSERT provides screenings and brief intervention to patients in the Emergency Department at BMC. Project ASSERT is a referral-to-treatment program for patients with Substance Use Disorder and refers them to outpatient services at BMC, the Grayken Center for Addiction, and outside resources.
Rapid ACCESS aims to connect patients with substance use disorders to evidence-based treatments at BMC. The Recovery Coaches will provide support to patients throughout their recovery, and meet patients where they are.
Click here for Project ASSERT’s and Rapid ACCESS’s 2023 Holiday Wish List.

Contact: Carla Monteiro Carla.Monteiro@bmc.org


Project RESPECT, a medical and recovery home for birthing people with a history of substance use disorder, allows them to receive wrap-around medical and behavioral health care. Project RESPECT cares for more than 200 individuals and families each year to support long-term recovery. Project RESPECT’s 2024 Wish List is available here.

Contact: Caitlin Clark (Caitlin.Clark@bmc.org; 617-414-5983)


Project TRUST

Project TRUST’s goal is to help anyone who is actively struggling with substance use, access comprehensive and compassionate care without judgment. Project TRUST provides addiction treatment resources, harm reduction education and supplies, and navigation to an array of medical services including primary care and urgent care services. Click here to view their current program needs.
Contact: Joseph Shay Joseph.Shay@bmc.org

Psychiatry Department

The Resource Social Workers(RSW)assist individuals by providing essential services and support to individuals and families who are experiencing life-threatening diseases, disability or social problems, such as inadequate housing, unemployment, or substance abuse. RSW also assist families that have serious domestic conflicts, sometimes involving child or spousal abuse. RSW collaborate with a multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, psychologists, and nurse practitioners to support individuals and their families in meeting social determinants of health needed to positively impact their mental health outcome, support treatment adherence, and promote overall quality of life for the individual’s experiencing psychosis and families.

•    Socks: generic (Medium or Large)
•    Tee Shirts Men’s( Small ,Med, Large, XL)
•    Tee Shirts Women’s(Small, Med, Large ,XL)
•    Sweatpants Men’s(Med, Large, XL)
•    Sweatpants Women’s( Small, Med, Large)
•    Visa Gift Cards
•    Stop and Shop Gift Cards

Donations can be dropped off or delivered to the first floor of 801 Massachusetts Avenue

Contact: Maud Paul-Honore (Maud.Paul-Honore@bmc.org; 617-417-0824)

Volunteer Services

The Volunteer Services Department at BMC is dedicated to placing volunteers across the hospital, such as in ambulatory waiting rooms, who offer distraction activities to those who are waiting.  All donations to our department can be dropped off/delivered at the 85 E. Concord Building on the Ground Floor, with attn to Olivia Haglund.

Volunteer Services is looking for the following donations to help support our volunteers in the wonderful work they do throughout the hospital:

  • Children’s books – in Spanish or Haitian Creole (Used is okay!)
  • Adult books – in Spanish or Haitian Creole (Used is okay!)
  • Fidget toys (single use)
  • 2 Book Carts
  • Crayons
  • Activity books (word searches, coloring) – in English, Spanish, or Haitian Creole
  • Baby dolls or baby toys (lightly used)
  • Board Games (lightly used)

Contact: Volunteer Services (Volunteer.Services@bmc.org; 617-414-5122)