Our mission is to provide accessible, individualized, and comprehensive gender-affirming care for the communities we serve while also advancing education, research, and advocacy efforts across New England and beyond.
Contact Us
Non-Surgical GenderCare Services
Surgical GenderCare Services
Patient Resources
Ways to Support
Thank you for your interest in donating to the GenderCare Center (GCC) at Boston Medical Center. Donations help the GCC advance our mission to provide accessible, individualized and comprehensive gender-affirming care for the communities we serve while also advancing education, research and advocacy efforts at BMC, across New England and beyond. Our vision is to have gender-affirming care be an inherent part of healthcare.
Your support will either go toward GCC staffing, programming, and training efforts within Boston Medical Center or towards clinical research and quality initiative projects, to further our reach and impact on the community. We truly appreciate your donation!
To designate your donation to the GenderCare Center, select “Other” next to “Designate to,” click “Add comment,” and type in GenderCare Center.
Department News
"Go as far as I can, as fast as I can": 63-year-old shows off true self
Growing up, Gigi didn’t think too hard about why she preferred being friends with girls or why she liked dressing in her mom’s clothes. “As a young kid, I didn’t really fit in. I was considered a big…