"BMC has the combo I was looking for: strong community health center and inpatient hospital training, with a social justice driven spirit coursing through the residents and faculty." 

-Victor Roy PGY-3

BMC Family Medicine Residency Three Year Curriculum 2024-2025

PGY 1 Block Rotations

Inpatient Adult Family Medicine Service*

(includes 4 night float weeks)

16 weeks

Pediatrics (Inpatient And Pedi ED)

(includes night float weeks)

8 weeks

Newborn Nursery and Dyad care

4 week



4 weeks



4 weeks

Obstetrics Night Float

4 weeks



4 weeks

Ambulatory Peds*

4 weeks

Community Medicine*

4 weeks

1-3 Sessions per week in Continuity Clinic at a Community Health Center

VACATION: 4 Weeks split among (*) vacation eligible rotations

Twenty Vaginal deliveries are required for program completion

PGY 2 Block Rotations

Inpatient Adult Family Medicine Service

(includes 2 night float weeks)

10 weeks


10 weeks


 (Bedford VA)

4 weeks

Adult ER


4 weeks




2 weeks




4 weeks

Behavioral Medicine

(Bedford VA)

4 weeks

Maternal Child Health (Inpatient) *

4 weeks

Community Medicine/Family Systems and Health


4 weeks

Whole Health*

(Bedford VA)

2 weeks




4 weeks

Longitudinal Experiences: Community Medicine, Psychosocial Medicine, Practice Management, Resident Scholarly Project and QI

2-4 Sessions per week in Continuity Clinic at a Community Health Center

VACATION: 4 Weeks split among (*) vacation eligible rotations

PGY 3 Block Rotations

Inpatient Adult Family Medicine Service

(includes 2 night float weeks)

8 weeks


(Bedford VA)

4 weeks



14 weeks


(Bedford VA)

2 weeks

Pain and Addiction Medicine (Bedford VA)

4 weeks

Adult ER



4 weeks

Pediatric ER



4 weeks

MSK/Sports Medicine*


4 weeks

CHC practice (Health Systems)*

6 weeks

Longitudinal Experiences: Community Medicine, Psychosocial Medicine, Practice Management, Resident Scholarly Project and QI

3-5 Sessions per week in Continuity Clinic at a Community Health Center

VACATION: 4 Weeks split among (*) vacation eligible rotations


By Curriculum Area:

infographic curriculum