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About Us


The Orthopaedic Trauma Research Consortium (OTRC) is comprised of about 30 orthopaedic trauma surgeons and other members of the research community who have a strong interest in conducting collaborative orthopaedic trauma research.


The mission of the Orthopaedic Trauma Research Consortium is to advance, promote and disseminate quality research that will positively affect the care of orthopaedic trauma patients.


Steering committees are appointed to plan and develop each study, select grant opportunities, review and make recommendations on study procedures, and to guide all other activities of that study.


Code of Ethics


Research Consortium members seek to maintain the highest standards of their profession. They strive for and continually practice intellectual honesty. They accept responsibility for:


1.      Selecting research topics and the techniques used in investigating, analyzing, and reporting.

2.      Minimizing the possibility that their research will be misleading.

3.      Providing full discussion of the limitations of their data and never suppressing disconfirming data.

4.      Attempting to prevent distortion, misuse, or suppression of findings by institutions or agencies.

5.      Taking credit only for work they have done.

6.      Preserving the integrity of the profession by taking action, through appropriate channels, against unethical conduct by others.

7.      Acknowledging assistance and ideas of colleagues and giving credit for the works of others.

8.      Obtaining voluntary informed consent from participants.

9.      Respecting the privacy of the participant.

10.  Planning for storage and disposal of records such that the confidential nature of the data is kept.